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Her Aminos is a blend of amino acids designed to be taken at any time of the day to fuel your muscles with nutrients that increase protein synthesis, helps prevent catabolism and enhance recovery.* Supplementing with Her Aminos on a daily basis will support recovery between workouts, allowing you to bounce back quicker from intense exercise and come back stronger at your next session!* Increases Endurance, Builds Lean Muscle, & Enhances Recovery! Immediate absorption provides immediate effects: Unlike proteins and other macronutrients, Her Aminos can be absorbed into your muscles within a matter of minutes after ingestion. Almost immediately after taking your dose of Her Aminos, you force your body into an instant catabolic (muscle breakdown) halt, increasing protein synthesis (muscle growth) and getting energy from the aminos and nutrients instead of breaking down your muscles.* We recommend that you take Her Aminos before, during, and after each workout session. When you have a constant supply of Her Aminos in your system during this peri-workout period, you are supporting minimal muscular breakdown during intense exercise and increasing recovery. You will immediately notice extra strength and endurance during your workouts, rapid recovery and less muscular soreness after your workouts. Supplementing with Her Aminos on a regular basis will help take your performance, physique, and training to a new level. All NLA for Her supplements are created in GMP and NSF certified manufacturing facilities. We place a high priority on our quality control procedures to ensure you are getting the highest quality supplements. The NSF maintains laboratories in North America, South America.