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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Flying Attack Game A Skill and Action Battle Game Skill and Action Game.View larger Launch the Turtles at the Foot Clan.View larger Flipping, flying fun in a teetering tower game Send the Turtles flying to knock off Shredder’s Foot Clan as they climb the big, teetering tower, or play as Shredder racing to get your ninjas to the top to win! Suspense filled and action-packed This gravity defying skill and action game keeps players on their toes as they send the Turtles flying to the tower to knock Shredder’s Foot Clan off before they get to the top. The amazing teetering tower swings and sways but always stays standing. Two great ways to play There are two fun ways you can play this game. In the advanced game, one player acts as Shredder and the rest divide the four Turtles between each other. If the player acting as Shredder finds all the Device Parts he wins, all the other players are the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles—if the Turtles capture seven Foot Clan Ninjas, Shredder won’t have enough left to carry out the Device Parts, so the Turtles win. Target Practice is all about knocking the most Foot Clan Ninjas with your Flying Attack. The player who knocks the most ninjas is the winner. Quality, award-winning game play Wonder Forge creates good-for-you games that encourage positive attitudes, teamwork, healthy competition, and get-up-and