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Model: CLEO High-Spa Sitz Bath LW-1000 and Lavender Oil.Components: Wireless High Spa Sitz Bath, 30 Herb Mugwort Bags, Lavender Oil Bottle, 2 AA Batteries(Not included).Material: Low-Density PolyEthylene (LDPE), PolyPropylene (PP), Silicone.Patented Sitz Bath.Built-in Bubble Generator Motor.Far-infrared ray generation.Antibacterial material.Easy to use wirelessly.Bubble massage with herb mugwort and lavender oil.It is helpful for postnatal care and hemorrhoids treatment.It may cause burns if the water is too hot.It is known that herb mugwort promotes relaxation and pain relief.It is also used to stimulate and ease menstruation.Herb Mugwort is made with the best varieties of top quality grew in clean soils with a wind mixed with salt and oceanic climate.1 box (30 bags) herb mugwort is included in the product by default.Lavender natural essential oil is well known to help non-inflammation, sterility, anti-depression, and disinfection.It is recommended to use one herb mugwort bag and a drop of lavender natural essential oil per each bath.If you have oil-sensitive skin, consult your doctor before use.This is not a medical equipment.