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Product Description Since U.S. President Reagan and U.K. Prime Minister Thatcher, a major ideology (under the name of economic science) has been expanded worldwide that claims that the best policies to stimulate human development are those that reduce the role of the state in economic and social lives: privatizing public services and public enterprises, deregulating the mobility of capital and labor, eliminating protectionism, and reducing public social protection. This ideology, called 'neoliberalism,' has guided the globalization of economic activity and become the conventional wisdom in international agencies and institutions (such as the IMF, World Bank, World Trade Organization, and the technical agencies of the United Nations, including the WHO). Reproduced in the 'Washington consensus' in the United States and the 'Brussels consensus' in the European Union, this ideology has guided policies widely accepted as the only ones possible and advisable.This book assembles a series of articles that challenge that ideology. Written by well-known scholars, these articles question each of the tenets of neoliberal doctrine, showing how the policies guided by this ideology have adversely affected human development in the countries where they have been implemented. Review "An impressive and comprehensive set of insights into the current state of globalization. This is an essential book for anyone who wants to know how and why neo-liberalism has failed to deliver on its promises." --Jeff Faux, Founder and Distinguished Fellow Economic Policy Institute, Author, The Global Class War These incisive essays dissecting neoliberal globalization provide highly significant information along with careful and penetrating analysis, subjecting claims of advocates and critics to the test of judiciously assembled empirical evidence. Moreover, they develop neglected perspectives that should prove invaluable to those seeking to dismantle illusions and deceptive presentations, and to discover the real human consequences of the dominant intellectual and policy paradigms of the past several decades. They are a very welcome contribution to the understanding of some of the most critical issues of the contemporary era. It is an outstanding work and a remarkably important book. --Noam Chomsky, Institute Professor, Retired MIT Vicente Navarro has assembled a comprehensive, tightly argued, and powerfully supported set of contributions that demonstrate the links between neoliberalism, economic inequality, and health outcomes in a convincing and very timely fashion. --Andrew Glyn, Professor of Economics, Oxford University From the Inside Flap "An impressive and comprehensive set of insights into the current state of globalization. This is an essential book for anyone who wants to know how and why neoliberalism has failed to deliver on its promises." Jeff Faux, Founder and Distinguished Fellow, Economic Policy Institute, Washington, DC, Author, The Global Class War "Vicente Navarro has assembled a comprehensive, tightly argued, and powerfully supported set of contributions that demonstrate the links between neoliberalism, economic inequality, and health outcomes in a convincing and very timely fashion." Andrew Glyn, Professor of Economics, Oxford University "These incisive essays dissecting neoliberal globalization provide highly significant information along with careful and penetrating analysis, subjecting claims of advocates and critics to the test of judiciously assembled empirical evidence. Moreover, they develop neglected perspectives that should prove invaluable to those seeking to dismantle illusions and deceptive presentations, and to discover the real human consequences of the dominant intellectual and policy paradigms of the past several decades. They are a very welcome contribution to the understanding of some of the most critical issues of the contemporary era. It is an outstanding work and a remarkably important book." Noam Chomsky, I