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Skincare: A good moisturiser for your face and body. May help improve the appearance of your fine lines and wrinkles, quench your skin, improve skin texture and used as a natural and gentle make-up remover. Massage: Can be used on its own as a massage oil or as the base oil in your essential oil blends. Haircare: To help moisturise your hair and scalp the oil can be used as a hair conditioner, leaving the hair soft and shiny. Hand and Nails: Good for helping moisturise your hands and cuticles. Soil Association Certified Naissance Organic Avocado Oil is Soil Association Certified and can be traced back to the organic farms where it is produced to ensure it is 100% organic. The UK Soil Association is the most well-known and respected organisation in the UK for the certification of organic products. It is equivalent to the Ecocert certification outside of the UK.