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Description: Motor type: Bipolar Stepper Motor Length: 40mm Phase Resistance: 1.5Ohm Phase Inductance: 2.8mH Detent Torque: Rotor Inertia: 54g.cm2 Holding Torque: Motor Weight: 280g Step angle: 1.8 deg Step angle accuracy: + - 5%(full step, not load) Resistance accuracy: + - 10% Inductance accuracy: + - 20% Temperature rise: 80deg Max(rated current, 2 phase on) Ambient temperature -----------20deg ~+50deg Insulation resistance: 100MΩ Min, 500VDC Insultion Strength--------500VAC for one minute Warning: Make sure the motor connect to a constant current or chopper drive controller before you test motor. Connecting the motor directly to a power supply will destroy the motor. Connection: Yellow(A+), Green(A-), Red(B+), Blue(B-) Package include: 5x Nema 17 Stepper Motor