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Platform: WINDOWS & MACINTOSH CLASSIC Publisher: DK MULTIMEDIA Packaging: JEWEL CASE Rating: AGES: 3-7 A Delightful Introduction to the Old Testament - This entertaining and educational CD-ROM is an imaginative introduction to some of the best-loved characters and events of the Bible. Children will love exploring the Old Testament stories and through the games and activities they ll be learning as they play!Musical BonesJonah plays a sequence of sounds in the whale s belly. Watch and listen carefully to recreate the sounds in the same order.Perfect PairsThe animals in Noah s ark are all jumbled up! Can you put them into their proper pairs before the big storm starts?Road to CanaanBuild a road across the desert so that Abraham can reach Canaan safely. He must complete his journey before four days and one night pass.PlusMake your own writing paper greeting cards and invitations using delightful illustrations from the stories. And more! System Requirements for Windows Windows 98 XP66 MHz 486 DX2 or faster processor8 MB RAM8 MB free hard disk space640x480 monitor 256 colors16-bit sound card & speakers2X CD-ROM drive System Requirements for Macintosh Mac OS 7.5.1 9.2 OS X Classic25 MHz 68LC040 or faster12 MB RAM6 MB free hard disk space640x480 monitor 256 colors2X CD-ROM drive