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This Mezuzah is an excellent gift for the peaceful and tranquil home. This mezuzah has a beautifully made design and is a comforting item that is also quite attractive. It is a pleasure to have on the doorpost of your home or to give as a truly special Judaica gift. "Baruch Ata Ad-onay E-loheinu Melech Ha-olam Asher Kiddeshanu Be-mitzvotav Vetzivanu Likboa Mezuzah." "Blessed are You G-d, Our G-d, King of the universe who has sanctified us with his commandments, and has commanded us to affix a mezuzah." The Jewish mitzvah to place a mezuzah on the doorpost of the home comes from Deut. 6:4-9, a well known passage commonly referred to as the Shema. In that passage, G-d commands us to keep His words constantly in our minds and in our hearts by writing them on the doorposts of our home. Dimensions: 0.75" (W) x 6" (H)|Ready for Hanging|Material: Nickel|Made in Israel; Ships from the US|Comes in a gift box