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Hi, I'm Red Fox! I can live in forests, grasslands, mountains, deserts or even cities. But good luck spotting me because I usually play at night! If you have seen me, you know I have very soft, beautiful fur which keeps me warm! I'm also very intelligent, fast & have amazing hearing to help me protect myself from predators and find food. I'm not a picky eater & love to eat mice, berries, worms & even spiders! Even though foxes hunt solo, we find a mate and are with each other for life. When we have baby "kits," we raise them in dens together and live as a happy family until our kits are old enough to live on their own. Munchkin has partnered with the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) and Whale Sanctuary Project to highlight important species and help protect them for future generations. On behalf of you and your little ones, Munchkin has a made a donation to these organizations to support animals in need.