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LIFE BOX BY CATALYST LifeBox is a potent, convenient, all-in-one high quality healthy living pack featuring vitamins, fish oil, and triple greens. Just one package provides you with more than 20 key vitamins and minerals. Plus, LifeBox includes an added prebiotic and probiotic blend to support digestive function along with a combination of heart health ingredients. HIGHEST QUALITY NUTRIENTS to live a healthier lifestyle. SMART AND SIMPLE all-in-one way to support an ongoing healthy and active lifestyle. IMPROVE OVERALL WELL-BEING with more than 20 vitamins and minerals. Our bodies are constantly changing and requiring adjustments to specific dietary and healthcare needs. Taking daily multivitamins is a smart and simple way to support an ongoing healthy and active lifestyle. Furthermore, adding a multivitamin to your daily routine enables you to maintain healthy bones and strong muscles, better manage stress, and achieve weight loss goals. Studies have also shown that multivitamins can help prevent complications from diabetes and lower the risk of cardiovascular disease. The benefits of daily multivitamins don't just end there. Most people do not get enough of the five vital nutrients in their diet: water, protein, vitamins and minerals, essential fatty acids, and greens. This can trigger low energy levels and potentially lead to damaging deficiencies. We all need a variety of nutrients to maintain a healthy body.