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Motherlove's most popular breastfeeding supplement in a taste-free vegan liquid capsule. Nursing and pumping mothers can benefit from this effective blend of the USDA Certified Organic galactagogue herbs-fenugreek, blessed thistle, nettle, and fennel-in an easy-to-take capsule that has the same high potency and absorbability as our liquid tincture version. More Milk Plus is a trusted herbal breastfeeding supplement for lactation support. This herbal blend is designed to naturally support breast milk supply and is widely recommended for mothers with a low milk supply, mothers experiencing a dip in supply as they return to work, mothers looking to build up their freezer stash, or moms simply looking for support. There are many different causes of low breast milk supply, and not all herbs work for everyone. Please ensure you are working with an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) to identify the cause of any breast milk supply issues you may be experiencing. If you need help selecting the most appropriate herbal supplement, please refer the to FAQ page on our storefront.