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This light-hearted and engaging journal will bring Mom and teen son closer together through painless (promise!) easy, fun questions! An equal mix of fun and thoughtful questions for mom and teen to answer. No essays or long answers required! Questions are all fill-in-the-blank, checklists or multiple choice. All are engaging, quick and easy. Do you think you know your teen son? Questions include: Does your son believe in Karma? Love at first sight? What skills will help him in a Zombie apocalypse? What world problem would he solve if he was in charge for the day? Can you predict what qualities he hopes for in his future career? What is he most worried about right now? What things do you say annoy him the most? Take turns answering questions, or just pick up and read aloud and answer and discuss. Teen-tested…this journal is guaranteed to create discussion, have a little fun and do a bit of bonding. This light-hearted journal is a painless way for a teen son to share his thoughts with his mom. Makes a great gift for Mom. Also perfect for a long car ride, vacations or even while at the dinner table.