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Product Description - 20 A4 sheets of Premium Waterslide Decal Paper: 10 white sheets - excellent for dark colored surfaces. 10 clear sheets - perfect for light colored surfaces. Step by step instruction is attached. Instruction. 1. Design and Print your decal on the glossy side of Inkjet Decal Paper. Set your printer to Resolution=Best, Paper=Photo Gloss. 2. Let it dry for 30 to 60 minutes, or use a hair dry to speed up the process. 3. Spray your printed sheet evenly with acrylic clear coat spray until the sheet has a shine (2-3 coats, wait 30-60 sec. between each coat). 4. Let it dry for 30-60 min., or use a hair dryer to speed up the process. 5. When the clear coat is dry, cut out each individual decal image. 6. Place decal into a warm or room temperature water for 45-60 sec. and remove when the film starts to loosen from paper backing. 7. Apply decal to clean surface by sliding the decal off the paper backing. Work out air bubbles and excess water using squeegee, sponge, paper or microfiber towel. 8. Let it dry for 10-24 hours or if the item is oven safe, you can bake it at 220-240°F/105-115°C for 10-15 min., but make sure to check them constantly. You will know the decals are ready when they will start to get a ‘glassy’ look. 9. Enjoy your masterpiece! Use only an Inkjet Printer.