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Miron Glass helps to preserve the potency, taste, and shelf life of ingredients stored within by protecting them from the quality-reducing properties of light. Various cultures have long used violet-colored glass containers; settings expanding on this concept using the science of biophotonics, Miron glass was created. It is well-known that the sun's rays accelerate the molecular decaying process. During the 2001 German Federal Government Biophotonics Project, Miron glass was found to work as a natural filter to block the complete spectrum of visible light with the exception of the violet range, letting in only those rays that lengthen durability and potency. At the same time, it allows a certain segment to be permeable for radiation in the spectral range of UV-A and infrared light. This unique combination offers optimal protection against the aging and deterioration process typically accelerated by visible light. . In most settings, these bottles look almost black, yet in bright light you’ll see that they are actually a very deep purple. Regular colored glass, such as the often-used blue, brown or violet, can create a cooling effect but is unable to protect like Miron.