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Milady's' Professional Barber-Styling Workbook has been written to meet the needs, interests and abilities of students receiving training in barber-styling. The workbook should be used together with Milady's' Standard Textbook of Professional Barber-Styling. The workbook follows the content found in the student workbook. Students are to answer each item in the workbook with pencil after consulting their textbook for correct information. Items can be covered and/or rated during class or individual discussions, or on an independent study basis. The workbook provides detailed, interactive exercises including: fill in the blanks, word review exercises, matching tests, multiple choice tests, and reviews designed to help students learn practical procedures and eliminate faulty practices. "Word reviews" are used as study guides, for class discussions or for the teacher to assign groups of words to be used by the students in creative essays. These various tests are included to emphasize essential facts found in the textbook and to measure the student's progress.