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Mikro-Myco, developed by Microbial Applications, Inc. offers the best strains and combinations of Mycorrhizal Fungi and other soil microbes- Endo Mycorrhizae (260 cfu/g), Ecto Mycorrhizae (218,000 cfu/g), Trichoderma (750,000 cfu/g), and Bacillus (400,000,000 cfu/g). Once inoculated to a plant, Endo Mycorrhizae penetrate the cortical cells of the plant roots and build symbiotic relationships with them. Mycorrhizal fungi are particularly important to plant growth, because whereas roots can only absorb nutrients available in limited areas of the root zone, the finer and thinner structure of fungal hyphae give mycorrhizal fungi better access to soil pores. This allows them to explore larger soil volumes, resulting in more efficient mining for nutrients including Phosphate. While Phosphorus is one of them most essential macro nutrients, it is very commonly lacking in most natural soils. It is usually fixed as insoluble iron and aluminum phosphates in acidic soils and as insoluble calcium phosphates in alkaline soils. This is where our proprietary Trichoderma (PSF - Phosphate Solubilizing Fungi) in Mikro-Myco comes into play. Trichoderma takes on the important role of solubilizing ‘fixed phosphate’ into readily available phosphate through mineralization via alkaline / acid phosphatases. Lastly, Bacillus, a PGPR (Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria), provides support to this whole process by converting organic matters in the soil into plant nutrients, and contributing to nitrogen assimilation and nitrogen fixation. Years of meticulous research and field experiments have shown that chances of microbial success become greater when combining Mycorrhizae with other soil microbe species such as PGPR and PSF. This is because different species of soil microbes constantly interact with each other functionally as well as physiologically in many beneficial ways. Mikro-Myco is the result of the optimal combination of these elements and offers enrichment to fertilizer regimens.