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Meditation has been around for thousands and thousands of years. And today, it's more popular than ever. Every day millions of people are constantly becoming more self-aware through mindful meditation.In this new book, Meditation for Beginners, you will learn the secrets of mindfulness with these amazing meditation practices:What is meditation?The basics of meditationWhy mindfulness is so powerfulStrategies to use in 5 minutes or lessDaily mindfulness routinesDifferent breathing techniques when meditatingTo use meditation to relieve stress, anxiety, and depressionHow to work through deeper troublesThe different states of consciousnessMaintaining a mindfulness practiceCommon pitfallsKeys to successAnd much more....With the crazy hustle and bustle of life, we get so caught up in everything that it gets so overwhelming and we can't seem to just take a moment to relax and center ourselves. Time flies so fast that before we know it the day is over, and we have to start again. But Meditation for Beginners teaches you to change the way you think for the better, by making mindfulness meditation a huge part of your life. Your first step to a better and more mindful life is waiting for you in this book.This book will change your life and free yourself from negative energies. NOW is the time to make a change and live a happier life! --- Get your copy of Meditation for Beginners today! -------Tags: 3rd eye, third eye chakra, chakras, chakra for beginners, chakras for beginners, chakra healing, chakra awakening, energy healing, energy techniques, energy psychology, guided imagery, reiki for beginners, reiki for dummies, reiki healing, mind control, mind's eye, astral travel, prescience, expanded creativity, pineal gland, tantric, divine knowledge, inner eye, insight, increase energy, healing your grieving heart, healing your emotional self, heal your body, heal your life, heal your mind, clairvoyance, vibration, find inner peace, clear your mind, cleanse your body, middle eye of shiva, hundalini, prana, hindu, kundalini, baha'i, confucianism, gaia, i ching, jainism, mysticism, mindfulness meditation, stress management, anxiety and depression, zen, hypnosis, hypnotherapy, how to find peace, how to be happy, how to find happiness, how to find yourself, tranquility, calmness, calming, spiritualism, spirituality, spiritual healing, spiritual growth, spiritual cleansing, spiritual awakening