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The Pro Swing-a-Weight is used just prior to starting every round of golf. The sealed bag, made of of Velcro material with locking tab, is weighted and easily wraps securely around neck of Driver or any iron club. Takes the stiffness out of your arms and muscles. Develops correct balance, coordination and timing in your practice swings. Very importantly, it allows the golfer to synchornize his swing to the flex of the shaft. Most all golfers tend to start over swinging after several holes into the round. Now he can re-attach the Pro Swing-aWeight to the club being used and slow his swing back down to get in sync again with the flex of the shaft. When a golfer's swing is in sync with the shaft flex, then the shaft will unload just at the point of impact with the ball and produce the longest and most accurated drives, "A must item for every golfer wanting to maximize distance and accuracy during the entire round".