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The Masontops Bean Screen screws onto the mouth of wide mouth Mason jars and is used for every step of the sprout growing process, from rinsing, draining to growing. The Bean Screen is the easiest and safest way to grow your own sprouts and has a unique design with simple features. RICH IN VITAMINS - Reap the nutritional benefits of vegetables in smaller, more concentrated forms by eating sprouts. Sprouts are loaded with fibre, vitamins and iron and have a refreshing earthy taste. Add sprouts to your salads and sandwiches to super-boost their nutritional properties. SAFE GROWING - Store bought sprouts are subject to bacteria and many shoppers are wary of this safety risk. Growing your own sprouts is the best way to ensure they're safe. The Bean Screen streamlines the process of growing sprouts for safe and healthy results. RINSE - The Bean Screen features an inverted spout for splash-free rinsing. Once your seeds and Bean Screen are added to your Mason jar, you can rinse your seeds and sprouts right through the lid. DRAIN - Proper drainage is an important safety step in the sprout growing process. The Bean Screen has unique pegs that allow you to leave the Mason jar upside down to maximize water drainage. GROW - Flat sides on the Bean Screen create an anti-roll design so your jar can be left on it's side for optimal airflow and growing. Air travels easily through the Bean Screen, while insects are kept out.