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Here Recognize How To Test Synthetic hair and Human hair as follows: Synthetic hair: Buring smells like a burning plastic, there is a small flame, and feels viscous when it burns out. Human Hair: Burning smells like a burnt fragrance, human hair burns out very quickly, and feels like coke, it also easily becomes ash. WARM TIPS Dear customer,There are incorrect comments not human hair from some one, we are very aggrieved at this and guarantee our 360 wave toupee 100% human hair. Hair Material: Brazilian remy human hair Cap Size: 9x11inch (width x length)large size Base design: lace with PU reinforced Hair Texture: 8MMKinky 360 weave for black men Hair length: 6inch Hair color: 1# Jet black Hair density: 120% medium density toupee Front conour: AA Hair style: free style