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How to navigate your life by the light of the Moon and its cycles, our workbook will show you step-by-step when and what to do to free yourself from whatever holds you back, and when and what to manifest.The Moon is the great cosmic architect—the builder and dissolver of form. Full Moons are about dissolving obstacles and outdated patterns so you can become free. New Moons are about manifesting, accepting, and receiving what you want in your life.Beatrex and her team have provided additional tools to help you, including: A monthly calendar showing retrogrades, void moons, solar, and planetary changes Easy-to-understand planetary highlights each month Daily Intentions based on Tibetan numerology by Michael Makay Super-sensitivity and low-vitality days Astro-charts for each New and Full Moon calculated by Katherine Sale Guidelines for manifesting and setting yourself free Dimensional Astrology Choice Points by Jill Estensen provide a deeper understanding of the Moon phase Goddess correspondences with each Moon cycle by Kaliani Devinne Sky Power Yoga by Tashi, designed to allow for the physical body to hold the process related to the moon cycle The art, graphics, and thoughtful creativity of Jennifer Masters