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Welcome to the adventures of Little Moe, The Little Toyota Truck. The reason he was called Little Moe was because he was made Little. In this book you will meet Little Moe and some of his friends. He also had some favorite places that he liked to go to. There is many adventures that Little Moe had, after he got himself strong and in shape to do things. If you like would like to read about Little Moe adventures just get a copy of, The adventures Of Little Moe the Little Toyota Truck But for now, just enjoy coloring Little Moe and all his friends and all the beautiful places that he liked to go to. Why not just get you a box crayons and you and your little one set down together and enjoy a special time together while coloring Little Moe and his friends. If we as a family will do things together, it will help us to be closer to one another.