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Francesca had always dreamed of leaving by sea, to a far away island that she imagined as a quiet stretch of white sands and green palm trees under blue skies and a perennial sun. Paolo had offered her the chance to move to London. But Britain turned out to be different from their dreams, a cold and hostile island where they would struggle to survive. L’Isola che non c’era is an Italian novel denouncing the frenzied, black-and-white life of bankers in London, focused on ideals defined by others, and promoting a simpler, more colourful life on the Italian Riviera. It is a novel about the gradual realization that every single act of ours, however simple, gives us the chance to choose between good and evil and become one again with God. The realization that each experience, however painful, is the tool to understand the meaning of our lives and the meaning in itself. And that life is beautiful, no matter what it brings.