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THE SCIENCE BEHIND THE FORMULA: EPA / DHA: EPA (Eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) are Omega -3 fatty acids obtained from marine sources such as algae and fish. Many fish, such as tuna, contain high amounts of mercury and PCBs that can be toxic. Lipo-n-3 is derived from freshwater Salmon, thus removing the threat of toxic substances. Omega-3 oils are one of the most tested and verified efficacious supplements in existence. Inflammation – EPA and DHA both have been proven to greatly reduce inflammation in muscle tissue, joints, and the vasculature as well. This can reduce pain and swelling, accumulated from hard workouts and keep the body functioning as a unit. Whole body inflammation leads to breakdown of connective tissue and can derail progress in the gym. Inflammation has also been shown to reduce muscle growth greatly. . Attention/Mood – EPA and DHA have also both been shown to increase attention and improve mood. An improved sense of well being and increased focus are often what separates a champion from the average lifter. Lipo-n-3 is NOT for the average. Reduced Catabolism – Recently EPA and DHA have been shown to not only reduce inflammation, but to actually reduce muscle breakdown as well! This is huge for the lifter, as many supplements are geared for anabolism, yet few address the catabolism that accompanies heavy training as well. Sesame Oil: Sesame Oil and its constituents, sesamolin and sesamin, has been shown to do MANY wonderful things, such as improve liver and kidney health, decrease total and LDL cholesterol, improve carbohydrate metabolism, and decrease body fat. When it is added to the Omega oils, it has been shown to decrease oxidation and increase the shelf life thus removing the very real problem of rancid fish oil. Sesame Oil works synergistically with Salmon oil acting as a preservative maintaining peak purity and potency, all the while helping to increase fat loss and improve health.