Linked In For Personal Branding: The Ultimate Guide

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About Linked In For Personal Branding: The Ultimate Guide

Your online presence matters more than ever in today's global workplace. Professionals are logging-in to LinkedIn in record numbers, so your profile needs to represent you in the best possible light before and after a meeting or interview. LinkedIn For Personal Branding: The Ultimate Guide is the leading strategic guidebook that most uniquely connects personal branding to the LinkedIn profile. Long's book provides a comprehensive view of personal branding using LinkedIn's profile, content sharing, and thought leadership capabilities. Additionally, Long has assembled a useful set of "How To" advice links that are available on a companion website. The website provides many resource pages and links related to each chapter. LinkedIn for Personal Branding: The Ultimate Guide is the ONLY LinkedIn book available that will do all of this for the reader: * Provide an integrated personal branding and LinkedIn strategy needed for today's professionals - in a Full-Color book. * Provide additional "how to" elements in a companion website so you can click over to see detailed instructions and keep updated. * Provide dozens of examples and case studies from real LinkedIn user profiles. * Provide several "personas" and other prompts to help you write the best possible summary. * Includes four chapters about thought leadership including publishing, SlideShare, and advice on sharing content.LinkedIn For Personal Branding will help you to: * Select and prioritize the best personal brand attributes for you, your career and business. * Be considered for more strategic assignments and business opportunities. * Create an authentic, personal, and impressive LinkedIn profile that demonstrates expertise without appearing to brag. * Consider all the ways you can demonstrate your personal brand - both offline and online- and how they work together and with your LinkedIn profile.* Be found online > increase the likelihood of being contacted by recruiters and sales prospects. * Select the most memorable words, images, skills, and links for your LinkedIn profile. * Learn best practices for each LinkedIn profile section ( and also see real examples). * Write the most strategic and impactful headline and summary for your LinkedIn profile. * Give and receive more endorsements and recommendations using LinkedIn. * Become a LinkedIn thought leader. * Find and Share content with your LinkedIn network. * Blog using the LinkedIn Publisher functionality. * Leverage LinkedIn Groups and Company pages.* Measure your progress. * And much more. This book is perfect for anyone interested in developing their personal brand using LinkedIn to propel their career or business opportunities.Note: LinkedIn for Personal Branding: The Ultimate Guide is not directly or indirectly affiliated with LinkedIn, or with the LinkedIn for Dummies brand.