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From the humblest of beginnings the Ringling Brothers built and became equal owners of the greatest amusement enterprise in the world's history. The Ringling brothers were seven American siblings of small-town Wisconsin who transformed their small touring company of performers into one of America's largest circuses in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. In 1900 Alfred "Alf" Theodore Ringling (1861–1919) published the book "Life Story of the Ringling Brothers". There is no more striking example of a well-defined ambition reaching out toward a distinctive goal, and attaining it regardless of seemingly insurmountable obstacles and difficulties, than in the story of the Ringling brothers. To be sure, the idea of five boys saying to each other, "We want a circus," wasn't much to create more than a laugh among their playfellows; but for them to determine to have a circus, and the biggest and finest in the world, and then to start getting it, and finish by having it, makes an altogether different story of the five little boys' dreams. There wasn't much in the "wanting to have," but there was a great deal in the "getting." Of course, all this didn't happen- in an hour. There is a great lapse of years between the time when the Ringling boys said, "We want a circus," and the day when the Ringling men could say, "We have a circus," and it is this intervening time between the desire and the realization with which this story deals. It is a wonderful story to write—an adventure in real life, a page in the history of America's great men that teems with lessons of patience, perseverance, and honest effort. It is Caesarian, Napoleonic, Bismarckian in effort, and in accomplishment more than can be said of Alexander. The latter conquered the world, but the Ringling brothers pleased it. Alexander, with all his conquests, could not do this. History records no greater trials than marked the beginning of the career of these great