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Ginny Chandoha hasn't just written a book about Lichen Sclerosis, it's also a book about what we in the naturopathic profession call "nature cure." If you remove the obstacles that prevent your body from working correctly, it will tend to fix itself. The mass of harmful substances that we put in and on our bodies is staggering. As Ginny points out, if you feed yourself well and quit dousing yourself in toxins, you will be well on your way to feeling better. And if you do have Lichen Sclerosis, read the entire book, because Ginny also provides details on how she cured herself using herbs and other therapies. In fact, I'm confident that her protocol will help people with many diseases, including other autoimmune issues. This could literally be a textbook in the naturopathic medical curriculum. Its content is vast, deep, and well-researched. Although I've been involved in natural medicine for twenty years, I still benefit from periodic reminders about how to live well. This book is a strong reminder. I improved my diet and cleaning products immediately upon reading it. I thoroughly enjoyed this book, and read it again from cover-to-cover. It's one of those books every health care practitioner should read, and one that everyone would benefit from reading, and re-reading periodically. Steven Coward, ND Asheville Natural Health & Homeopathy