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Fitness coaches often suffer from a huge misconception—that program design and exercise coaching are the most important parts of their jobs. Spoiler alert, they aren’t. Let The First Rep Suck is the guide for fitness coaches that know that client connection, and the systems that support it, are the most important tools for a successful coaching career. In a story-filled how-to guide, Todd Bumgardner gives you the goods on: •Understanding why clients are seeking you out in the first place, so that you can feel confident that you can help them •How to create an unconditionally positive environment that clients will love to be in •Develop and implement the systems that make coaching easier while also helping your clients get the results they’re after By the end of Let the First Rep Suck you’ll feel confident that you can coach any kind of fitness client, create the systems that you know you need to make coaching easier on yourself, and be the coach that clients love connecting with.