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LegacyPro EcoPro BW Paper Developer is a liquid concentrate black and white print developer designed to maximize the paper's natural image property with rich blacks and clear whites. It is an ideal general purpose print developer suitable for use with warmtone, neutral and coldtone fiber-based and resin-coated papers, and is further optimized to produce the maximum effect when used in conjunction with print toners. With most papers, prints developed with LegacyPro Eco Pro BW Paper Developer will offer the widest range of tone (hue) shift when toned with toners such as selenium, sepia and brown (polysulfide). This is an avid toner's choice, producing creative effects while maintaining rich shadow density. Dilute 1+9 for most applications, or 1+14 when greater control or economy is important. Makes 2.5 - 3.75 Gallons of working solution.