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LEE Filters FK Foundation Kit 4x4 Holder, LEE 4x4 Big Stopper, LEE 4x4 Little Stopper, 77mm Wide Angle Adapter Ring and Lee 4x6 Soft Edge Set Graduated Neutral Density Filters. The Lee 4x4 Big Stopper is a 10-Stop ND Filter that will produce breathtaking images. With the Big Stopper, just a single filter allows you, the photographer, to increase the exposure to many minutes, rendering clouds soft, water smooth and milky, car headlights as streaks of color, or people as abstract, blurred figures. The Lee 4x4 Little Stopper is a 6-Stop ND Filter and is ideal for those low-light conditions at the beginning and end of the day allowing you to enjoy increased flexibility with exposure lengths. In many shooting conditions, this means that detail and texture in areas of movement such as the sky and water would be retained, while still conveying a sense of time passing. Lee Soft Edge Graduated Filters perform best in the woodlands, mist, or interiors or any horizon line that has deviation such Rock Formations, Mountains, and trees - wherever there is no definite transition between sky and foreground, a soft grad will gently balance exposure across the image. LEE filters Neutral Density Grads can be stacked together, or with other filters, so you can respond to almost any lighting situation. LEE filters Neutral Density Grads can be stacked together, or with other filters, so you can respond to almost any lighting situation. Includes 2filter Cleaning Kit!