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Lighting Solution: White: 20pcs 14000k cold white+2red+2green+2 violet Blue: 26 Royal Blue (450nm) Moonlight 2 Channels and Moonlight with Digital Intensity Control (0-100%) Acclimating corals to the new LED light is made simple with its adjustable light intensity, fine tune to 1 percent increments. With a Programmable Lighting Cycle and 2 Channels Plus Moonlight features, the Euphotica can create the sought after sunrise/sunset effect specifically catered to your schedule. Programmable Light Cycle With up to 48 Points of Customizable Light Intensity, you will be able to incorporate durations of moonlight into your daily schedule for night time viewing of your tank. The Violet Lighting included in the layout makes fluorescing corals glow vibrantly under the actinic settings.