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Blended with therapeutic grade hydrosols to stimulate the hair follicles, increasing blood circulation, strengthening the hair and fighting hair loss, while moisturizing and nourishing at the same time. Massaging this treatment into the scalp regularly allows for better blood circulation and healthier conditions for the regrowth and overall accelerated growth of hair, as well as rejuvenating the hair to bring out its natural color, luster, and shine. What is a hydrosol? In aromatherapy a hydrosol is the molecular melding of the essence of a plant or aromatic substance with the water that is used to distill the essential oils from the plant material. Hydrosols contain all of the essence of the plant in every drop, just like essential oils but in a milder form. Rosemary promotes healthy, shiny hair. Helps to treat scalp conditions such as dandruff and seborrhea. Energizing and stimulating, a mild circulatory stimulant, scalp tonic, exhibits strong antioxidant properties, aids detoxification. Saw Palmetto: research on the effectiveness of saw palmetto in treating hair loss is limited, but promising. An extract of saw palmetto berries may block 5-alpha-reductase, an enzyme that converts testosterone to DHT. DHT is the molecule responsible for hair loss. Wildharvested Cedar promotes circulation, helps to treat psoriasis, eczema, and fungal infections. Wildharvested Yucca fights dandruff and prevents it from reoccurring. Organic Nettle encourages hair growth by improving circulation & reducing shedding. What does "Wildharvested" mean? This means that this plant material was found in areas that were not from a farmed plantation, most often well away from highly populated areas, making it an extremely nill risk of being chemically treated. In our opinion wildharvested products are sometimes better than organic, because it was grown entirely by nature without the intervention of mankind. Scent: herbaceous, sweet, soft green, followed by Rosemary notes