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At Ann Clark, we know cookie cutters and the professionals who use them. Careful thought is given to each design and how our customers will use it. We don't want any part of your cookie to be too thin, use a material that will dye your cookie or melt onto a freshly baked one. We test our products yearly to ensure that they are food safe. Every cookie cutter Ann Clark makes is made out of tin plated steel in a rigidity of metal that is strong enough to easily cut through cookie dough and other soft foods but is flexible enough to permit us to create the detailed shapes our customers love. The techniques we have developed over three decades of manufacturing have set us apart, permitting us to create modern, complex shapes with crisp corners and intricate details. As our manufacturing processes have improved, so have our shapes. In addition to constantly adding new and trendy shapes, we continually review our catalog of shapes looking for the ones that can be improved. Customer feedback is an essential part of this process. Tell us how we can make our products better; if we agree - we will improve the shape.