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Keep track of time with the utmost precision while barbecuing on the patio, working in the garden, or splashing in the pool with this 18-inch outdoor atomic wall clock from La Crosse Technology. Radio-controlled to automatically set to the National atomic clock in Colorado, and adjusts daily for continued accuracy. Additionally, the clock automatically corrects for daylight savings time. Equipped with two small analog gauges, it also displays the ambient temperature and humidity to let you know of dry or wet conditions. The hygrometer gauge measures from 1 to 99 percent relative humidity, while the temperature gauge gives readings for temperatures from 0 to 120 degrees Fahrenheit. Surrounded by a sleek pewter-painted plastic frame, the clock face features black 1 1/2 inch high numbers for easy visibility. Elegant, black metal hands tick off the hours and minutes. On the backside of the clock, the user selects the appropriate US time zone; the clock accommodates Eastern, Central, Mountain, and Pacific times. A manual reset button is provided. To ensure accurate readings, hang the clock in a dry area out of direct sunlight. This clock requires the separate purchase of one AA battery for operation with an optional compartment (2 additional) to extend clock battery life. A one-year limited warranty covers this item. The clock measures 18 inches wide by 2-1/2 inches deep by 18 inches high.