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Keyboard Cover Compatible with: MacBook Pro 13.3-Inch with Retina DisplayNewest Release 2015, 2014, 2013Model: A1502 MF839LL/A, MF840LL/A, MF841LL/A, MGX72LL/A, MGX82LL/A, MGX92LL/A ME864LL/A, ME865LL/A, ME866LL/ARelease October 2012Model: A1425MD212LL/A, MD213LL/A, ME662LL/A ME664LL/A MacBook Pro 15-Inch with Retina DisplayModel: A1398Release 2014 / 2013 / 2012MGXA2LL/A, MGXC2LL/A, MC975LL/A, MC976LL/A, ME664LL/A, ME665LL/AME293LL/A, ME294LL/A MacBook Air 13-InchModel: A1369 and A1466MJVE2LL/A, MJVG2LL/A, MD231LL/A, MD232LL/A, MC503LL/A, MC965LL/A,MD760LL/A, MD761LL/A MacBook Pro 13.3-InchModel: A1278MC374LL/A, MC375LL/A, MC700LL/A, MC724LL/AAll MacBook Pro 15.4"- Model: A1286All MacBook Pro 17-InchMacBook White 13-InchCover NOT Compatible with:— European Keyboard Layout MacBook— MacBook with Silver Keyboard— MacBook Air 11-Inch* Apple MacBook are registered trademarks of Apple, Inc. Products are Apple compatible and not endorsed by Apple, Inc.