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7:00 am, 12.25.2017 Christmas Day Time to get up. OMG, 15 dishes are waiting for you to prepare. First, wash vegetable, meat, chicken, poultry, bones, fish, fruit.... finally washed all the ingredients, a more time-consuming step is waiting for you! Trapped in the kitchen, you have no time to enjoy the holiday. At this point, your children and husband came to you. “Mommy, can I help?” “Darling, is there any thing I can do for you?” “Oh, yes. Lettuce, Broccoli, Tomato, Carrots are for you baby! Chicken, poultry, bones, fish are for you honey!” “I will make the pecan nut pie!” “But, mummy, I have a question, where is the knife for my vegetables, I have no knife to cut them...” “Yes, darling, there are NO KNIFE, SCRAPER, BONE CHOPPER, CRACKER......” “Oh my god, I forget it!” “Honey, relax, even if you have bought all of them, there is no place to store. Just relax, I have a surprise! See, what’s this?” “A Shear, but we still have no scraper, bone chopper and cracker.” “NO, IT’S NOT ONLY A KITCHEN SHEAR, IT’S A TOOL WHICH MEETS ALL YOUR EXPECTATIONS! Cutting vegetable, meat, chicken with the blades; Scraping fish scales with the blade with micro-serrated; Cracking Nut with the Sawtooth on the grips; When you cut the bones, you can fasten them with the “U” Notch, and the bones will be easy to cut; After dinner, we can use the Wine Bottle Opener on the grip to open the wine.” “WOW, daddy, amazing! Let’s try it!” “Thank you honey, really a big surprise, this kitchen scissor saved me!” OMOCOOK KITCHEN SERIES--YOUR CULINARY GAME CHANGER