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Homeschoolers, Worldschoolers, Unschoolers, or any other kids and parents in home education will love this tshirt! This tee shirt is perfect for morning or afternoon activities, meetup park days, PC playing video games, or at homeschool coop. Homeschooled kids do not care about their hair style - why should they? This awesome children, teens, preteens, and toddlers are serious about play and child-led learning. Plus, they know that their mom, dad, teacher, or facilitator doesn't care either! Home education parents can also wear this t-shirt. Like they even have time to visit a salon and the hair dryer is being used as a science project in the garage anyway. And if we want to impress anyone at all, we will wear out sweats without holes or stains to parkour, nature class, karate, chess, or a get together with other homeschool friends - who also have messy hair and locks.