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Kegebell was created to strengthen your hardest to reach muscles so you can take back control of your life. When the muscles of the pelvic floor (think vagina) are strong again, a wide range of benefits can come into your life, from the return of your natural lubrication to the improved sex drive that comes from the collective benefits of elimination of leakage, enhanced orgasm, and improved squeeze. This next-generation pelvic muscle weight training kit developed was by women to help women strengthen the important muscles of the pelvic floor important to treating and preventing leakage (urine, fecal, gas) pelvic organ prolapse (uterus, bladder, rectum) and sexual function (laxity, lubrication, anorgasmia). It was invented to help safely, quickly and effectively strengthen muscles weakened by childbirth, high-impact sports, and aging. Most of us don't understand the function of our pelvic floor and kegels are hard to do by themselves. Kegelbell not only helps you make sure you're doing it correctly but it also significantly reduces the length of time to perform kegel exercises.