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The Ka-Bar and Other Collectible Knives features knives are special for their own reasons. It may be because of their history or because of their style or because of their versatility. Either way I am sure you will agree that they are all interesting and ones that you will want in your collection if you haven't got them already. If you are a knife aficionado these knives should be agreeably desirable in your collection. They are all affordable, presentable and practical. If you want to go backpacking out into the wilderness then its a good idea to take a sharp, robust and dependable knife with you. You may never know when a good blade may be depended on to save your life. The collectible knives mentioned in this book are not just collectible but are heavy duty combat blades that can be trusted upon. The final knife in this collection is a cautionary tale of something to look out for whilst collecting knives, all is never as it first appears!