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Product Description Durante muchos años Juntos para toda la vida ha respondido a una necesidad de lasparroquias y de parejas comprometidas. Después de analizar las necesidades einquietudes de futuros esposos por más de tres años, esta quinta ediciónconserva su formato original, pero incorpora reflexiones pedidas o sugeridaspor ellos mismos, incluyendo además un rico material catequético. La nuevaversión contiene además los textos de la tercera edición del Misal Romano. Sehan aprovechado las reflexiones de las anteriores versiones, si bien algunos de ellos hansido sustituidos por otros de mayor actualidad. Ofrece además todos los textoslitúrgicos necesarios para celebrar el Matrimonio dentro de la Misa, fuera deella o entre un católico y una persona no bautizada. About the Author Father Joseph Champlin (1930-2008) was a prolific author, world traveler, lecturer, and passionate theologian. Ordained in 1956, Father Champlin was the pastor at several churches; at the time of his death, he was the sacramental priest at Our Lady of Good Counsel in Warners, New York. Over the years he touched thousands of lives, writing fifty books, traveling more than two million miles around the world, and founding the Guardian Angel Society, a nonprofit organization that helps needy children with their educational needs. In 1972 he served as associate director in the Secretariat for the Liturgy of what was then called the National Conference of Catholic Bishops in Washington, DC, and he spent a year at the Pontifical North American College in Rome, Italy. Father Champlin devoted his life to caring for people and showing the compassion and forgiveness that Christ's love and God's grace provides. We are thankful that Father Champlin's magnificent work and dedication to Christ's teachings live on through his wonderful books.