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A path of hope and healing for adult survivors of childhood sexual abuseA woman who was sexually abused as a child is confronted with manyinternal questions: Am I worthless? Will I get past the pain? Do Imatter to God? These and similar questions can carve a deep hole in analready wounded soul. Too often, the lies of worthlessness are believed, the pain becomes too much to handle, and survivors find themselvesmaking choices that lead to more heartbreak. With over 42 millionsurvivors (both male and female) in the United States alone, the needfor a clear path to healing is great. Crystal Sutherland-herself a survivor of CSA -knows that while the recovery process iscomplex, healing is possible with God's help. For women who want toprogress from simply coping to living abundantly, this book guidesreaders through seven essential steps to recovery found in Scripture.Candid and open about her personal journey of healing, Crystal comesalongside her reader as a friend who understands. Infused with biblicaltruths, stories of hope from other survivors, and practical wisdom, this book leads women to discover the life of wholeness God has for them.