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Doll collecting for fun & profit - in this fabulous full-color video Barbieexpert Joe Blitman shares his vast knowledge of the nuts n bolts of collecting Barbie - which new dolls to buy - how to clean dolls & clothes - how to shop at a doll show - how to identify dolls - how to replace a doll's legs or arms - how to sell unwanted dolls - how to redo a ponytail and much more ....Joe Blitman is a collector, as well as co-owner of Joe's Fashion & Celebrity Dolls. Joe is the co-author of two books, Barbie® & Her Mod, Mod, Mod, Mod World of Fashion and FrancieTM & Her Mod. Mod, Mod, Mod World of Fashion, and co-producer of an informative video on the Barbie® Doll Joe Blitman's Oh You Beautiful Doll. Joe has presented slide shows and seminars at numerous conventions whether they be national, international or regional events. He also contributes articles for Barbie® Bazaar, Doll Reader and Haute Doll magazines.