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Sometimes you really want to add a little extra touch to your gifts by lining the box with printed tissue but are never quite sure which one to buy. Jillson Roberts has solved that dilemma with a beautiful assortment of printed tissue paper that's perfect no matter what the occasion. The assortment includes 24 tissue sheets; 4 sheets of each design, so you'll have plenty of options on hand no matter what the occasion. Plus, the tissue is designed to happily mix, match and harmonize with Jillson Roberts gift wraps, wine and bottle bags, ribbons, crinkle shred and colorful string-tie gift tags to Let your unique gift-giving style shine. Jillson Roberts is proud to offer the largest, most comprehensive presentation of eclectic and environmentally sensitive paper products available on the market today; proof that one can, indeed, give beautifully and responsibly. They invite you to explore their fresh and innovative collections available on Amazon.