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A rebellious teenager, Jake Winston, must choose between remaining in an ugly, untenable family situation, or screwing up his courage to attempt to blackmail his vindictive father into sending him to the only viable option, a Catholic Seminary with an excellent scholastic program. He makes a decision, leaves his family and friends behind, and enters St. Edward Seminary to achieve his dream of becoming a world-class builder. During their coming of age, he and his rebellious friend experience hilarious antics and adventures, soulful moments and pining for girls. They thumb their noses at authority and taunt the disciplinarian to catch them breaking the silly rules. Inexplicably, the religious life began to seduce Jake and his focus shifts to considering the priesthood.When a beautiful, gifted girl enters his life and captures his heart, he becomes helplessly conflicted. When his prayers for guidance are seemingly met with silence, he storms out of the Seminary, leaving the life and his God behind. He’s determined to achieve his dreams on his own. Many years later, Jake seems to be on top of his game but, in his dark moments, he increasingly ponders the wisdom of having left his God behind. Then…