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Replenish Healthy Vaginal Bacteria and Control Yeast with One Capsule A Day! IsoFresh Probiotic is a once daily oral probiotic supplement that provides 5 strains of friendly bacteria in a total of 10 billion Colony Forming Units per day, to support a healthy vaginal ecosystem. The key to your vaginal health is maintaining the proper balance between friendly and unfriendly bacteria. Unfortunately, maintaining this balance is easier said than done, as many everyday circumstances can tip the scales in favor of the bad bacteria such as taking antibiotics, a diet too high in sugar, douching, and chronic stress. Once your vaginal ecosystem becomes out of balance, you may experience unwanted odors and irritation, and it can even set the stage for the development of bacterial vaginosis and yeast infections. Taking an oral probiotic supplement, like IsoFresh Probiotic, can help tip the scales back in favor of vaginal health by helping to re-populate friendly bacteria and by supporting a healthy vaginal pH, all of which can reduce the chance that yeast and bad bacteria will take hold. FAQ How often should I take IsoFresh Probiotic? To support healthy balance of bacteria and yeast in your vagina, take one capsule of IsoFresh Probiotic daily. Can I use IsoFresh Balancing Gel along with IsoFresh Probiotic? Yes, IsoFresh Balancing Gel and IsoFresh Probiotic are designed to be taken together to provide maximum support for vaginal health. IsoFresh Balancing Gel supports optimal pH in the vagina, which sets the stage for healthy bacteria to grow. IsoFresh Probiotic helps to replenish the friendly strains of bacteria.