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Mis mejores remedios, licuados y planes para revitalizarte y no engordar jamás. #NoMasExcusas - Ingrid Macher Tras recibir una noticia que cambió su vida, Ingrid Macher —autora del bestseller De gordita a mamacita— nos invita en su nuevo libro a volver a lo natural y a los ingredientes básicos. En Irresistible y sana encontrarás todos sus remedios, jugos verdes, recetas, trucos y consejos que te harán lucir fabulosa y te revitalizarán a largo plazo. #NoMasExcusas · Más de 250 remedios caseros para perder peso y mejorar la salud con ingredientes que seguramente ya tienes en la cocina.· Recetario completo #IMRetoVerde (con 21 recetas nuevas e indicaciones de cada paso).· Detox para eliminar la adicción al azúcar en 10 días (despídete de la ansiedad y de los antojos para siempre).· Plan para limpiar el colon rápidamente.· Plan para hacer una limpieza hepática y de la vesícula sin moverte de tu casa.· Más de 200 trucos y secretos para aliviar malestares comunes como el estreñimiento, problemas de tiroides, metabolismo lento, hinchazón de la barriga, ansiedad, acné y hasta la resaca.ENGLISH DESCRIPTIONMy best remedies, green juices, and plans to revitalize you and never gain weight. #NoMoreExcuses.- Ingrid Macher Do you want to have an attractive figure and a healthy, irresistible body? Ingrid Macher achieved this and now she tells us all her secrets: green juices, smoothies, recipes, tricks, and advice that will make you look fabulous while revitalizing you for the long run. #NoMoreExcuses Author of the bestselling De gordita a mamacita (From Chubby to Babe), Ingrid explains in detail her secrets for being in shape, divided into three parts. In “Maladies That Put the Brakes on Losing Weight,” she talks about bloating, anxiety, colon problems, hormonal issues, fat, cellulitis, water retention, constipation, and other factors that get between you and your ideal figure. In “Allies for Losing Weight (and Enjoying the Process!)” Ingrid explains how to get the most out of water (the love of her life), baking soda, apple cider vinegar, and other allies that will help you achieve your goal of losing weight and being healthy. She even gives us a list of the 18 superfoods that you should have in your kitchen. And “Express Food Plans for Detoxing, Losing Weight, and Rejuvenating” contains six detailed plans: how to get into that fabulous dress in one week, three detoxes, a liver cleanse, and a 21-day green challenge with delicious smoothie recipes. “I have always been an open book, sharing my experiences and all that I have learned so that you can also achieve well-being. I have been through difficult times, but the truth is that I feel better than ever. I know that God has a purpose for me.” –Ingrid Macher