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Review If they gave awards for Most Improved Product, the revamped SuperDisk Drive would be a contender. The ugly duckling we looked at in our February 1999 issue has grown into, if not a swan, then at least a respectable duck. The biggest shortcoming of the first-generation drive - sluggish performance - has been handily resolved. Our benchmarks indicate that file transfers are about 50 percent faster, putting the SuperDisk Drive into the same ballpark as USB Zip drives and other budget removable-storage devices. The SuperDisk's native media - floppy-size 120MB disks - are a feasible alternative to the ubiquitous Zip. The only real drawback to going with SuperDisk is that you have fewer fellow users to exchange disks with - but if safety in numbers were your top priority, you'd be reading Maximum PC right now. The SuperDisk Drive is actually two drives in one, with the bonus ability to read and write standard 1.4MB floppy disks at about the same speed as those built-in floppy drives in the pre-iMac era. The new SuperDisk also offers a minor external improvement. Rather than sporting an ersatz Bondi Blue face plate, the new case is cast in clear "ice" hues; a limited-time promotion lets you pick up a five-pack of SuperDisks and send away for a free face plate to match your Mac. In all, the revised SuperDisk Drive is a nicer device both inside and out. -- Mark Simmons Good News: Faster file transfers. No more quirks or glitches. Floppy compatibility. Bad News: A bit noisy. Cumbersome AC adapter. ©1999 MacAddict -- From MacAddict -- Subscribe now! Product description Superdisk media. Imation brand. LS-120 model. 120MB capacity. 3 pieces of media, Windows/DOS/IBM format.