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'The instant you hear one of Moore's monstrous grooves, stuttering press rolls, or 'Jalopy' tomfills, you recognize him. The thirty-oneyear- old drummer is that funky and, man, we haven't even started to talk about his sound.'- Modern Drummer 'Maybe nothing or no one is truly original, but I think Stanton Moore comes pretty close.'-Jam Base. Drummer Stanton Moore, founding member of the immensely popular band Galactic makes his TELARC debut with his third solo release aptly titled III. Most recently, Moore appeared on TELARC as part of the avant-funk group Garage A Trois collaborating with Charlie Hunter, Skerik, and Mike Dillon. Moore has also received accolades for his contribution to the GRAMMY-nominated Corrosion of Conformity's In The Arms of God ( Moore earns his Bonham stripes on this one Rolling Stone) and Irma Thomas' After The Rain.