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Product Description Do you want your child to grow up knowing that they are perfect JUST the way they are? Whether your child is big, small, short or tall, THIS fun and interactive book guides children through the many reasons why they should love their unique and amazing bodies and engages them in kid-friendly positive self talk! Appreciating what our body does for us is a great first step to building a great positive body image and self esteem. In THIS book, Maggie celebrates many parts of her body including her BIG hair and her FEET....'cause they are CRAZY IMPORTANT! BUY IT NOW and give YOUR child the gift of confidence...a gift that will last a lifetime! I Love My Nose is a wonderful tool for parents, counselors and teachers! Free resources to accompany this book can be found at or From the Author Don't tell your kids, but when I'm writing, I live on coffee and donut holes... What ??? It helps my creativity! Do you ever notice how kids can eat 5 donut holes and never feel bad about it? They never think " YIKES, this is going RIGHT to my thighs!" Do you know WHY? Its because they are born LOVING their bodies. And I want to help KEEP it that way! I have worked as a childcare provider for almost 20 years and I can honestly tell you we have a LOT to learn from kids! But I ALSO know that media can have a HUGE affect on our child's self esteem UNLESS we get them talking early! I Love My Nose , simple , funny and a great resource for parents and teachers, to get kids thinking and talking. From the Back Cover Will Maggie grow up with self confidence about her body? HECK YA she will! Help YOUR child develop body confidence with Maggie and her friends! Then watch your child enter the word with their head held high! We always TELL our children that they are perfect in every way, but "I LOVE MY NOSE" actually equips children with the confidence to FEEL and be able to VOICE that self love for themselves! Free Resources for Parents and Teachers can be found at About the Author Between hosting empowerment events for women andchildren in two Canadian cities and being a childcare worker for over 18 years,Sherry Selley always has a project on the go! Sherry's work has been featured on local news and in newspapers as well as featured in BADASSARYMagazine, a magazine for women entrepreneurs! In a world obsessed with body Image, Sherrywants children to LOVE and APPRECIATE their unique and wonderful bodies !