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Glass Bottles with Glass Dropper For the onsite generation of Chlorine Dioxide 2 oz Glass Jars Made in our lab to the the highest specifications. We use only USP/FCC Citric Acid, and the highest quality EPA registered sodium chlorite. Packaged in amber glass bottles. Caps are natural rubber bulbs with glass droppers Safety Sealed. Freshness guaranteed. 2 fl oz of Solution 2 fl oz Citric Acid Activator. Disclaimer: This product is sold and intended to be use for water purification only and the choice of using this product in other applications is the sole responsibility of the user. This product is not marketed for internal use. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. We are not responsible for any consequences or damages resulting in misuse of these products. We do not offer, nor do we claim to offer to cure, prevent, diagnose, or treat any disease or condition. Only a Licensed Doctor is qualified to do this. Please consult your physician before using these products.The FDA has issued a warning against using this product internally.